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Budapest, Hungria: Leia comentários de inquilinos e proprietários que tiveram experiências de aluguer neste destino!

Lou L. Inquilino
I am not sure about the fiability of the accommodation proposal
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18.01.2023 Budapest
Sonia K. Senhorio
Expensive for doing little to nothing. Doesn’t cater to ANY needs the tenants have but just pushes all queries back to the landlord. It has some plus sides but overall would not recommend.
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22.12.2022 Budapest
Amalia K. Inquilino
A megfelelő jogos eljárást kaptam önöktől ,köszönöm .
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03.09.2022 Budapest
Yerang S. Inquilino
expensive service fee.
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05.08.2022 Budapest
Alexandr B. Inquilino
Too long reservation workflow
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09.07.2022 Budapest
Myriam D. Inquilino
The service fees are much too high. They are very much on the side of the owner and not the tenant, minimum stays are too long (30 days for most, 14 days for a few), Sadly I don't think I would use Flatio again. Also this place was rented for UKR who fled the war and when I rented it there was no reduction whatsoever. I saw afterwards that they added free service fee but that was too late for us.
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05.05.2022 Budapest
Oleksandr K. Inquilino
az adminisztráción,számlaképességen
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04.05.2022 Budapest
Luca T. Senhorio
paying out referal bonuses without reminders.
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11.04.2022 Budapest
Boris M. Inquilino
Still expect a compensation from Flatio.
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06.03.2022 Budapest
Daniel S. Inquilino
War in Ordnung
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18.06.2021 Budapest
Katalin S. Senhorio
It’s easy for a few months rental. I like the take IDs from ythe guests. The guest should be responsible for the bills, water, gas, electricity costs what they are creating. That helps them to stay reasonable and they won’t put a lot of extra expenses on the owner.
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02.12.2021 Budapest
Yuanli L. Inquilino
The service is OK, but the fee is too much for me.
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04.11.2021 Budapest
Lukas K. Inquilino
Neuvádějte prosím u inzerátu, že poplatky za služby (energie apod.) jsou v ceně, když mi v den nastěhování pronajímatelka řekne, že nejsou a že se platí zvlášť... Zkoušel jsem se bránit Vaší smlouvou, kde je uvedeno pokud nedosáhnou výše 25% nájmu, nebo se nedomluví jinak (jinak majitelka brala že ona to řekne a já ji musím vyhovět). Přišlo mi, že bych mohl být vystěhován, proto jsem poplatky za energie uhradil a dál už to řešit nebudu, ale udělejte si v tom prosím pořádek... Děkuji
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02.12.2021 Budapest
Luca T. Senhorio
I recommended Flatio to friends but never receive the 100 euro when they sign their first rental.
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17.11.2021 Budapest
Eszter M. Inquilino
Nincsen még tapasztalatom és nem talàltam màsok eddigi tapasztalatàrol sem semmit, ezért egyelore bizalmatlan vagyok.
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01.10.2021 Budapest
Maximilian-Alexander N. Inquilino
I don’t use your service
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03.10.2021 Budapest
Matthew H. Inquilino
Please respond to customer service requests and please take action against landlords who abuse tennants on their private phone numbers, after the rental contract has finished. It is extremely disturbing.
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17.09.2021 Budapest
Antal B. Inquilino
Which is good that they found the right flat for the right time for 2 months and for the right price for me. Which could be better is the payment possibilities, as Gopay did now worked well. Customer support gives just a generic answer to the problem. And hey guys!!! Double check-out date and time!!! It's not as usually applied for accommodation services!
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25.08.2021 Budapest
Gabriele L. Inquilino
Too much info
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31.07.2021 Budapest
Molnár M. Inquilino
Túlságosan sok adat szükséges önmagunk jellemzéséhez, ami nem etikus. Valójában semmit sem kéne írnunk!
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27.07.2021 Budapest
Zoltan P. Inquilino
The termination process (including the rent refund) was too complicated and lenghty relative to the administrative charge of the platform.
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25.07.2021 Budapest
Gabriella B. Inquilino
Nem volt beirva a cim csak az hogy történelmi hely.
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07.07.2021 Budapest
Tunde D. Inquilino
Nincs személyes kapcsolat.
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16.06.2021 Budapest
Csaba Robert T. Senhorio
Having contracts without deposit is a big problem. When there's a negligent tenant the owner has nothing in his hand to enforce his interest.
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02.06.2021 Budapest