Cartão Michal a Marie do proprietário - Flatio
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Michal a Marie R.
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Modern design flat close to center

Avaliado em: 22.07.2018 Tempo de permanência 17 dias

i’d like to write a comment about Michal’s apartment. i’m glad that we chose that apartment, it’s so cozy, comfortable and you don’t need anything, because the apartment is well-equipped. i recommend it and want to wish good luck!

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Dmitry S.

Segurança do bairro não avaliado
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Modern design flat close to center

Avaliado em: 26.12.2017 Tempo de permanência 2 mês

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Marek H.

Segurança do bairro não avaliado
Serviços nas proximidades não avaliado
Transportes públicos não avaliado

Modern design flat close to center

Avaliado em: 09.11.2017 Tempo de permanência 2 mês

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Tigran A.

Segurança do bairro não avaliado
Serviços nas proximidades não avaliado
Transportes públicos não avaliado

Sobre mim
Tento byt jsme si pořídili, protože milujeme starou Prahu, která nabízí nespočet krásných a romantických míst. Chtěli bychom se s vámi o ně podě***** made this apartment because we love old Prague, which offers countless beautiful and romantic places. We would like to share with you.
O seus hobbies
Velice rádi navštěvujeme Malou Stranu, kde jsou místa, kam turisté nechodí tak často a jsou nádherná. S manželkou jsme hodně pracovně vytíženi podnikáním, takže si návštěvu Prahy vždy pěkně užijme. Náš velký koníček je zahrada, kterou jsme si u našeho domu sami vytvořili a neustále ji zdokonalujeme. V zimně s našimi třemi dětmi velmi rádi lyžujeme a pravidelně jezdíme do Dolomit v Itálii. Máme s manželkou rádi čistotu a dokonalou službu a to se projevuje i v našem pronájmu tohoto bytu. Mějte se krásně, buďte zdraví a šťastní.M+MR We are very happy to visit Malá Strana, where there are places where tourists do not go so often and are beautiful. We are busy with our wife, so we can always enjoy our visit to Prague. Our big hobby is the garden we have created at our house and constantly improving it. In winter with our three children, we love skiing and we regularly drive to the Dolomites in Italy. We like to have a clean and perfect service with our wife and this is reflected in our renting of this apartment. Be beautiful, be healthy and happy. M + MR

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Registo na Flatio
Agosto 2017

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